Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Way behind on posting

Wow, t,he election is over, the economy is tubing and I have not posted in almost 2 weeks. I have had so many thoughts recently, and I can't remember any of them.

So, let's talk about GM. The current debate is whether to bail out this POS company. As strong as my distaste for GM and their crappy business practices over the last 30 years, I am actually torn on this. I read today that half the bailout money will go to simply covering underfunded pension and health care benefits. What a crock. My gut tells me to let them die on the vine.

GM is a product of its own demise. Its products are bad, it union contracts bloated, and it has no real plan to change the equation.

That said, the prospect of throwing the entire state of Michigan into a full out depression scare the hell out of me.

The world is inside out, upside down.