Friday, October 31, 2008

Liddy Dole should be ashamed

Elizabeth Dole has been President of the American Red Cross and Secretary of Labor. She has spent her life embodying the ideal of a great American. Personally, I think her term as a NC Senator has been a complete waste, as she really has accomplished nothing other leading the NRSC to its embarrassing losses in 2006, but I have always respected her. Until now.

Have you seen the G-odless ads she is running against Kay Hagan?


and #2

Forget about the fact that Hagan is a devout Christian and an Elder in her church. This tactic represents everything that is wrong in American politics. It is quite simply a throwback to the tactics of Jesse Helms. Whereever the late Sen. Helm is now, he must be laughing hysterically.

It really is a shame to see the lows to which "great Americans" will sink just to win.

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