Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One line, running through my head

The other day, my wife and I were watching The West Wing. For what it is worth, this is my favorite television show and if you have never seen it, get the DVDs. The writing is excellent, the acting superb, and the subject is interesting. In fact, I have the DVDs, so I am not sure why we were watching on TV.

Anyway, they were showing the episode series that tells the story of the President's reelection. In the episode following election night, the returns are coming in, and of course everyone is celebrating. During this time, we are also following a story about the administration's handling of reports of a coup in Venezuala.

In one of the scenes, Leo (the Chief of Staff on the show) makes a remark that "its the process, not the result", contrasting the orderly transition in the US with the reported coup in South America. For some reason, this line has stuck with me for a few days now.

As I said in an earlier post, I have real concerns about this new wave of Democrats becoming "them". This is just food for thought, but think about this election in many other countries of the world, and then tell me with a straight face that the transition would be bloodless.

The most beautiful aspect of the American experiment is that regardless of who wins next Tuesday, everyone will still go to work the next day. No massive civil war will break out and the loser will gracefully cede to the winner. I suppose that it is possible that there will be law suits like 2000, but still, that is within the legal and constitutional process.

The amazing part is that we have had non-violent, non-militant succession of power for 220 years.

I guess its just one of those things to be thankful for on Turkey Day.

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